
2022-01-24 13:56:53        来源:中国教育在线




Paragraph 4

The Navajo are also world-famous for the designs on their woven blankets.Navajo women own the family flocks,control the shearing of the sheep,the carding,the spinning,and dying of the thread,and the weaving of the fabrics.While the men who make faithful copies of sand paintings from the past represent the principle of stability in Navajo thought,women embody dynamism and create new designs for every weaving they make.Weaving is a paradigm of the creativity of a mythic ancestor named Spider Woman who wove the universe as a cosmic web that united earth and sky.It was she who,according to legend,taught Navajo women how to weave.As they prepare their materials and weave.Navajo women imitate the transformations that originally created the world.Working on their looms,Navajo weavers create images through which they experience harmony with nature.It is their means of creating beauty and thereby contributing to the beauty,harmony,and healing of the world.Thus,weaving is a way of seeing the world and being part of it.

12.According to paragraph 4,Navajo weavers imitate

A.traditional weaving patterns

B.patterns used in sand paintings

C.the activities through which the world was created

D.images from nature





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