Write a paper about hydroponic farming托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

2022-08-30 10:28:44        来源:中国教育在线

Write a paper about hydroponic farming托福听力原文翻译及问题答案

一、Write a paper about hydroponic farming托福听力原文:

NARRATOR:Listen to part of a conversation between a student and the professor of his history of technology class.MALE STUDENT:Would it be OK to focus on something related to agriculture?FEMALE PROFESSOR:Sure,farming technology is fine,as long as it's premodern.But this isn't a long paper,so you're gonna need to pick a specific area of premodern agriculture,like,um,irrigation...or food crops of ancient Greece...MALE STUDENT:I'm actually interested in hydroponics.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Hydroponics...growing plants in water instead of soil...MALE STUDENT:Well,not in pure water–in water that has the proper mix of nutrients.FEMALE PROFESSOR:O-OK,but...is it a premodern technology?I mean,hydroponics isn't really my specialty,but from the research I've read,we're talking the nineteenth century...maybe the seventeenth century,if you really stretch it.MALE STUDENT:Oh?But the Aztec civilization back in the thirteenth century in"basically where Mexico City is today".An article I read said the Aztecs were using hydroponics in something they called...I've got the word right here...um...Chinampas.

FEMALE PROFESSOR:Chinampas–the so-called floating gardens...MALE STUDENT:Exactly!So,yeah,the chinampas....The article said,very clearly,these floating gardens are proof that the Aztecs invented hydroponic farming.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Well,chinampas are artificial islands,built up in shallow lakes–islands made from packed earth and weeds,and,uh,material from the bottom of the lake.They may have appeared to be floating in the water,but in fact they reach all the way to the bottom of the lake.So the primary growing medium–that the plants draw nutrients from–is actually soil,not water.MALE STUDENT:So the article was wrong about that.Too bad.It seemed like a great topic,but I guess...FEMALE PROFESSOR:Wait a minute.Uh,just because chinampas were not technically hydroponic...doesn't mean this couldn't be an appropriate topic for your paper.Chinampas were still a great premodern technological achievement. I mean,they enabled the Aztecs to grow plenty of food...in an area without much available farmland.

MALE STUDENT:But I wonder why the author wrote that chinampas were hydroponic?FEMALE PROFESSOR:Well,it's pretty common for writers to generalize–say,use a term like"hydroponics"to describe other types of agriculture.Personally,I'd never say"hydroponic"except for plants growing in liquid.The crops on chinampas definitely benefitted from the water surrounding them,but hydroponic?

MALE STUDENT:OK,so I'll go with chinampas,but leave out the"hydroponics"part...

FEMALE PROFESSOR:Actually,there's an important lesson here:we should pay attention to what happened in history,but also how historical events are presented.Why,for example,would writers use a word like"hydroponics"so casually?MALE STUDENT:I guess'cuz it's a popular topic people wanna read about?FEMALE PROFESSOR:Or...to help modern-day readers understand something historical,maybe these writers think a familiar frame of reference is needed.MALE STUDENT:Well,that article was in a popular magazine,not a scholarly journal for historians.FEMALE PROFESSOR:OK,but historians sometimes do the same thing.MALE STUDENT:So I guess then that all historians might not describe chinampas in quite the same way either.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Good point.Why not look into that too?...and include it along with your description and analysis.

二、Write a paper about hydroponic farming托福听力中文翻译:


女教授:中国公园——所谓的浮动花园……男学生:没错!所以,是的,中国海洋公园……文章非常清楚地说,这些漂浮的花园证明了阿兹特克人发明了水耕农业。女教授:嗯,中国海洋保护区是人工岛屿,建在浅水湖泊中——岛屿是由填充的泥土和杂草,以及,呃,湖底的材料制成的。它们看起来似乎漂浮在水中,但实际上它们一直延伸到湖底。因此,植物吸收养分的主要生长介质实际上是土壤,而不是水。男学生:所以这篇文章是错误的。太糟糕了。这似乎是一个很好的话题,但我想……女教授:等等。呃,仅仅因为中国海洋公园在技术上不是水培的…并不意味着这不能成为你论文的合适主题。中国海洋公园仍然是一项伟大的前现代技术成就 我的意思是,他们让阿兹特克人在一个没有多少可用农田的地区种植了大量的粮食。




三、Write a paper about hydroponic farming托福听力问题:

Q1:1.Why has the student come to see the professor?

A.To find out her reaction to a paper he recently submitted

B.To point out a factual error in an article the class was assigned to read

C.To ask about the suitability of a topic he wants to write about

D.To ask about the difference between chinampas and hydroponics

Q2:2.What does the professor imply about hydroponics?

A.It was probably invented by the Aztecs.

B.It is a relatively modern development in agriculture.

C.It requires soil that is rich in nutrients.

D.It is most successful when extremely pure water is use.

Q3:3.Why does the professor describe how chinampas were made?

A.To emphasize that the topic selected for a paper needs to be more specific

B.To encourage the student to do more research

C.To point out how much labor was required to build chinampas

D.To explain why crops grown on chinampas should not be considered hydroponi

Q4:4.What does the professor think about the article the students mentions?

A.She is convinced that it is not completely accurate.

B.She believes it was written for readers with scientific backgrounds.

C.She thinks it is probably too short to be useful to the student.

D.She has no opinion about it,because she has not read it.

Q5:5.What additional information does the professor suggest that the student include in his paper?

A.A comparison of traditional and modern farming technologies

B.Charges in the designs of chinampas over time

C.Differences in how various historians have described chinampas

D.Reasons why chinampas are often overlooked in history books

四、Write a paper about hydroponic farming托福听力答案:






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