澳大利亚接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些

2022-06-16 17:08:43        来源:中国教育在线

澳大利亚接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些 多邻国考试是最近新型的一种英语考试种类,因为疫情的原因,雅思等考试都不能如期举行,所以很多学校都逐渐接受了新的考试形式。那么,澳大利亚有哪些学校接受呢?具体内容和外语频道一起来看看吧

澳大利亚接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些


Australian Academy of Vocational Education & trades Pty.Ltd.

Australia Awards Solomon Islands

Australian College of the Arts

Australian Film Television and Radio School

Australian Institute of Higher Education

Australian National Institute of Management and Commerce

Bella College Australia

Bond University

Carnegie Mellon University in Australia (a division of CMU’s Heinz College)

Central Queensland University

Charles Darwin University

Curtin College

Deakin College

Deakin University

Edith Cowan College

Educational Training and Employment Australia

English Language Studies for Pastoral Ministry

Everest Institute

Excelsia College

Five Diamonds Group Pty Ltd T/A Glen Institute

Frontier Education

Griffith College

Griffith University


Hillcrest Christian College

Hillsong College

Holmesglen Institute

IDP Education

IISSA Training Center

Intensive English Language Institute (IELI)

JMC Academy

Kaplan Business School

La Trobe College Australia

La Trobe University

Le Cordon Bleu Australia

Macquarie University

Melbourne Institute of Technology

Melbourne Polytechnic

Murdoch Institute of Technology

Murdoch University

Nan Tien Institute

Newcastle International College

NIT Australia


Perth Bible College

Quality Training & Hospitality College

RMIT University

SAE Creative Media Institute

Sarina Russo Schools Australia Pty Ltd

South Australian Institute of Business and Technology (SAIBT)

Sydney Institute of Business and Technology


TAFE Queensland


Tertiary Institutions Service Centre

The Australian National University

The University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide College

The University of Newcastle

The University of Notre Dame Australia

The University of Sydney

Trinity College

UAC Central Admissions

University of Canberra

University of Divinity

University of New England

University of New South Wales (UNSW)

University of Queensland

University of South Australia International

University of Sydney Centre for English

University of Tasmania

University of Technology Sydney

University of Western Australia

University of Wollongong

UNSW Global

UTS College

UTS Insearch

Victorian Institute of Technology

Western Sydney University

Western Sydney University Admissions

Western Sydney University International Admissions

Western Sydney University- International College

Western Sydney University International Office

William Angliss Institute of TAFE


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