加拿大接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些

2022-06-17 09:42:53        来源:中国教育在线

加拿大接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些 “疫情反复,雅思报名总是被取消,心态爆炸!”不知道这有没有说出你的心声?但现在雅思官方已经推出家考版,来看看加拿大都有哪些学校认可吧!具体内容和外语频道一起来看看吧

加拿大接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些


Alberta Health Services

Algonquin Careers Academy

Algonquin College

Acsenda School of Management

British Columbia Institute of Technology

Cambrian College of Applied Arts & Technology

Canadian Mennonite University

Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary & College

Cape Breton University

Capilano University

Carleton University

Centennial College

College of Kinesiologists of Ontario

College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan

Concordia University

Concordia University – Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science

Cumming School of Medicine/University of Calgary


Dalhousie University

Fanshawe College

Fairleigh Dickinson University – Vancouver Campus

Fleming College

Franklin Education

Fulford Academy

George Brown College

Georgian College

Halifax Language Institute of Canada

Humber College

International College of Manitoba

Keystone College Ltd

Lambton College

Lethbridge College

MacEwan University

MaKami College Inc.

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology

Mount Allison University

Mount Royal University

Mount Saint Vincent University

Niagara College Canada

North Island College

Nova Scotia Community College

Olds College

Ontario college

Ontario College of Teachers

Quest Language Studies

Red Deer College

Red River College

Royal Roads University

Saint Mary’s University – Graduate Studies

Saint Mary’s University – Undergraduate


Saskatchewan Association of Licenced Practical Nurses

Sault College

Simon Fraser University – Graduate Admissions

Simon Fraser University – Undergraduate Admissions

TESL Canada Federation

The University of British Columbia

The University of Winnipeg

Toronto School of Management

Trinity Western University

UBC Sauder School of Business

University College of the North

University of British Columbia

University of Calgary

University of Lethbridge

University of Manitoba

University of New Brunswick

University of Northern British Columbia

University of Victoria

Western University

Yukon University

以上就是“加拿大接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些”的相关内容。还没有确定申请哪所学校的学生,为避免院校不承认雅思家考,不建议只考IELTS Indicator。有目标的小伙们可以行动起来了,预祝大家取得满意成绩!

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