
2022-02-14 13:04:09        来源:中国教育在线



Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

What it is used for now

Where it is

What it looks like

What you learned there

And explain how you feel about the historical building




The Forbidden City is one of the grandest and most culturally influential historical works of architecture that I have ever visited in China.

Situated in the center of Beijing,the Forbidden City is now one of the largest wooden work of architecture(木质结构建筑)across the world.

As asignificant symbol of ancient royal constructions(古老的皇家建筑群)in China,

the Forbidden City was among the World Cultural Heritage list and one of the most protected cultural relics in China.

In addition,it is also one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world with over 17 milliontourists in total in 2018.

Meanwhile,the architecture collects a wide array of invaluable cultural relics(文物)once used by Chinese royalty back in the Ming and Qing dynasty.

Preserving and researching these relics,the Forbidden City serves as a crucial part of the protection of Chinesehistorical culture.

Constructions in the Forbidden City are orderly,lined up from north to south and perfectly aligned(完美地对齐分布在)on the left and right side of the central line,

making thearchitecture a stunning view to visitors.

Palaces in the front part of the Forbidden City aremagnificent,symbolizing the paramount power(至高权力)of the imperial authority back then,

while in contrast,the rear part of the architecture is more compact.

In the museum of the ForbiddenCity,I have seen a variety of Chinese historical relics and further understand the centuries of rich Chinese history that this architecture has long preserved.

Thanks to the Forbidden city,I canclosely review the long Chinese history that makes myself so proud to be Chinese.

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