
2022-06-15 15:19:06        来源:中国教育在线



1.When do you read books?

I usually read in the evenings, when I’m in bed relaxing before sleep. I read books on my phone most of the time, although I do enjoy reading physical, print books more, really. It’s just that in my dorm it’s not that convenient to turn the light on at night to read. The light of my phone screen is dimmer and more convenient.

2.How often do you buy books?

I read every night. It’s almost like a ritual of mine. Even if I am studying a lot, I always read a novel or a story at night. I usually have a novel on the go, a romantic one, that I read bits of each night.

3.Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?

I have yes. I’ve read Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice, some of the Lord of the Rings, and a few others I can’t recall off-hand. I’ve read a few. I enjoy reading the novel first ideally, then watching the film.

4.Which one do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?

I think reading books. That’s just my preference. I know that today most people prefer to watch films, but I have always been a book person. And it’s part of my daily routine, to read in the evenings before sleep.

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