2022年5月雅思口语新题part1:Meeting places

2022-06-15 15:23:39        来源:中国教育在线

2022年5月雅思口语新题part1:Meeting places

Meeting places

1 Where do you usually meet your friends?

I usually meet friends at places where we do sports together. I’m a really sporty person and I like to spend my free time playing basketball and tennis. These are my main hobbies. So, whenever I’ve got free time and my friends want to play, then we will meet at a local sports club where we have memberships, and play. Sometimes we meet in a café in a mall not far from home or a restaurant.

2 Do you think there are particular places that are suitable for meeting others?

There are a lot of places suitable for meeting up with other people. I mean, it really depends on what kind of things you do – some people meet in bars, or cafés, others, like myself, always meet up at the gym or sports club. Others tend to meet at shopping malls… It really depends.

3 Have the meeting places changed now compared with the past?

I think today, especially in cities, people have a wider range of options of things to do and places to meet. There are more activities and entertainment facilities compared to the past, for example, so often people will meet at those places, according to their hobbies and interests.

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