雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a program you like to watch描述你喜欢看的节目

2022-10-25 10:52:51        来源:中国教育在线

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a program you like to watch描述你喜欢看的节目

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a program you like to watch描述你喜欢看的节目


Describe a program you like to watch

You should say

What it is

What it is about

Who you watch it with

And explain why you like to watch it


I am going to tell you about a quiz show that I accidentally found on a Sunday several months ago when I finally got a free day from school and finished all my homework.But it seemed that all my friends had their own stull to be busy with.So instead of going outside and having a wonderful time,I stayed at home and turned on the TV to kill time.


When I was switching the channels,trying to find something I am interested in,I noticed this quiz show called“who is still standing”.In it,one player,the hero,attempts to defeat ten competitors in a series of trivia showdowns to win a large sum of money.However,what is really interesting about this program is that every participant is actually standing on a trapdoor.When they miss the question,the trapdoor will open,dropping them through the stage and eliminating him or her from the game.


Initially,I watched it alone.But my parents were soon attracted by my laugh,put their cellphones down,and join in.Now,watching this program has become a fixed routine of my family every Sunday.Sometimes,we would even argue with each other about the correct answer to the question and bet on who is going to be the winner.


I enjoy watching it because the questions cover a wide range of areas,which greatly enrich my knowledge and open my mind.But I have to admit that what I am truly keen on is the expressions on the participants’faces when they fall from the stage.They are hilarious.


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