Restoration of old buildings in major cities雅思写作建筑类7.5分范文

2023-01-17 09:47:14        来源:中国教育在线


The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world costs numerous government expenditures.This money should be used in new housing and road development.To what extent do you agree or disagree?




In the situation of land shortage,the government budget on preserving old buildings confronts abundant opposing views from the multitudes,since the restoration is believed to had better be replaced by the construction of new houses and roads.However,I suppose that spending on conservation should be eternalized on the grounds of tourism’s income and educational budget-saving.



Old buildings support tourism thanks to their popular attractiveness.While the beauty of nature or animated vibes are attractors in numerous cities of tourism,historicity and nostalgia offered by old housing may also satisfy a lot of tourists.Provided the chance to escape from the daily hustle and bustle,visitors prefer heritage sites like ancient buildings for intense historical acknowledgement.Peru’s tourism,which is featured by historical sites,contributes 10.1%of GDP.As tourism contributes significantly to the total income,old buildings do deserve restoration.



Additionally,the presence of old housing plays the role of effective educational assistance,setting aside spending on illustrative teaching tools.By observing or visiting old buildings,students are offered the chance of exploring the history and ancient civilization practically and much more enthusiastically than being educated by the traditional teaching method.Therefore,government possibly put fewer advocations for toy models,pictures and antiques to aid teaching in schools.Regarded as being beneficial to the state budget,investment in old housing preservation worths attending to.



To conclude,owing to touristic and educational offer,old buildings need responsible maintenance from the government.However,their disadvantage is undeniable,which is land absorption.To solve this,the government are recommended to encourage residential migration to the outskirts or rural areas by upgrading facilities there despite the likelihood of arising difficulties.


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