雅思听力话题及范文:Which is the most rapidly-growing group of residents in the Sheepmarket area?

2022-06-13 10:39:28        来源:中国教育在线

雅思听力话题及范文:Which is the most rapidly-growing group of residents in the Sheepmarket area?

雅思听力话题及范文:Which is the most rapidly-growing group of residents in the Sheepmarket area?


Listening Section 2, Questions 11-20

11. Which is the most rapidly-growing group of residents in the Sheepmarket area?

A. young professional people

B. students from the university

C. employees in the local market

答案: A

题干翻译:在 Sheepmarket 这个区域中,一下哪个群体的是数量增长最快的居民?

解题思路:本题考查不同群体的人口数量变化。在音频中要注意表示数目变化的表达式。题目可用 most rapidly-growing group 做答案信息内容定位词,但要注意它在音频中有被同义替换的可能。A 项可用 professional people 做选项关键词;B 项可用 students 做选项关键词;C 项可用 employees 做选项关键词。


The nearby university has always meant the area’s popular with students, who come in to enjoy the lively nightlife, but now graduates embarking on careers in the worlds of fashion and design are buying up the new apartments recently built here to replace the small houses where the market workers used to live.

答案解析:在听到 Sheepmarket 是 city’s fastest-growing communities 之一 时,要反应出,后面的音频中会介绍到人口增长的相关内容,和本题有关。接着,听到 students 即 B 项,但他们只是来 lively nightlife,故排除;在之后的音频中听到 graduates embarking on careers (A 项)和 market workers (C 项)。两者的关系是,graduates 所居住的新房子以前是 market workers 居住的旧房子。也就是说,market worker 不在此地居住了,那么 graduates 是增长最快的群体。综上,本题答案为 A 项。

12. The speaker recommends the side streets in the Sheepmarket for their

A. international restaurants.

B. historical buildings.

C. arts and crafts.


题干翻译:说话人推荐 Sheepmarket 的 side streets 是因为他们的 __。

解题思路:本题考查 side streets 的被推荐的原因。题目可用 recommends、side streets 做答案信息内容定位词。A 项可用 restaurants 做选项关键词;B 项可用 buildings 做选择关键词;C 项可用 arts and crafts 做选项关键词。


The narrow old side streets are great places for finding original pictures, jewellery and ceramics which won’t break the bank, as well as local produce like fruit and vegetables.

答案解析:当听到 old side streets 时,要反应出,它是题目答案信息内容定位词。对其描述是,可以在这里找到 original pictures、jewellery and ceramics,这些东西是 arts and crafts 的具体表现。所以本题答案为 C 项。音频中没有提及 A 项;B 项建筑在 main street 上,故排除。

13. Clothes designed by entrants for the Young Fashion competition must

A. be modelled by the designers themselves.

B. be inspired by aspects of contemporary culture.

C. be made from locally produced materials.


题干翻译: 由新成员为 Young Fashion 比赛设计的服饰必须 __。

解题思路: 本题考查衣服设计的要求。题目可用 clothes、Young Fashion 做答案信息内容定位词。 A 项可用 modelled 做选择关键词; B 项可用 contemporary culture 做选项关键词;C 项可用 locally produced materials 做选择关键词。注意这些关键词在音频中有被同义替换的可能。


This year they’ve been asked to design an outfit based on ideas from the music and technology that’s part of their everyday life, using both natural and man-made fibres.

答案原文:当听到 Young Fashion competition 时,要反应出,这是题目答案信息内容定位词,后面音频中会出现本题答案。接着,音频说到,今年参与者的服装设计灵感需要来自 music and technology that’s part of their everyday life,也就是 B 项做表达的contemporary culture。和 C 项内容相关的句子是 using both natural and man-made fibres,但没有提及材料是否是本地生产的,故排除。 A 项在音频中没有直接相关信息。综上,本题选 B 项。

14. Car parking is free in some car parks if you

A. stay for less than an hour.

B. buy something in the shops.

C. park in the evenings or at weekends.


题干翻译:如果你 __,那么你就可以在某些停车场免费停车了。

解题思路:本题考查免费停车的条件。题目可用 car parking、free 做题目答案信息内容定位词。 A 项可用 an hour 做选择关键词;B 项用 buy something 做选择关键词;C 项用 evenings or at weekends 做选项关键词,要注意这些定位词和关键词在音频中又被同义替换的可能。


It’s not expensive and if you can present a receipt from one of the local stores, you’ll not be charged at all.

答案解析:当听到 Parking at the Sheepmarket is easy 时,要反应出,此处音频内容和本题相关。之后听到,停车费用 not expensive ,并且如果可以出示本地商店的 a receipt的话,就不会 be charged。a receipt 和 buy something 是同义表达,故本题答案为 B 项。和 A 项相关的句子是,如果只停一两个小时,那么这有很多 pay and dispay 的停车场,所以还是有收费的可能,故排除 A 项。和 C 相关的句子是 after six pm 很多停车场会收 a flat rate,故 C 项也是错误的。综上,本题答案为 B 。

15.-20 Label the map below.

雅思听力话题及范文:Which is the most rapidly-growing group of residents in the Sheepmarket area?

15. The Reynolds House

16. The Thumb

17. The Museum

18. The Contemporary Art Gallery

19. The Warner Gallery

20. Nucleus


解题思路:15-20 题为地图题。做题之前,要确认方向标,熟悉图中建筑及道路等的名称,并找到说话人所在位置。在听音过程中,可跟着音频内容画线以防自己跟丢地方。

15. The Reynolds House __

答案: H


The Reynolds House is one of the oldest houses in the city,and is open to the public. It’s on the north side of Crawley Road, next to the footpath that leads to the public gardens.

答案解析: 当听到 Reynolds House 时,要反应出,它是第 15 题的题干。首先听到,它在 Crawley Road 的 north side,可确定 G、H、I 三个地方;接听,又听到在通往 public gardens 的 footpath 旁边,因此可确认答案为 H 。

16. The Thumb __



The ‘Thumb’ is just what its name suggests, but it’s about 10 metres high. You’ll see it on Hill Road, across the road from the Bank.

答案解析: 听到 The ‘Thumb’ 时,要反应出,它是第 16 题的题干。首先,听到它有 10 米高;接着听到它在 Hill Road 上,可确定 A、B、C、E 项;接着,听到它在 Bank 对面的路上,因为可确定为 C 处。

17. The Museum __



The Museum’s got a particularly fine collection of New Zealand landscapes. It’s on the east side of the Sheepmarket, on City Road. It’s on the other side of the road from the public gardens, immediately facing the junction with Hill Road.

答案解析:听到 The Museum 时,要反应出,它是第 17 题的题干。首先,听到它是一个艺术区;接着听到,它在 Sheepmarket 的 east side,在 City Road 上,可确定 B、E、F、I;再接着听到,它和 public gardens 不在同一边,面对着 Hill Road 的路口,所以,可确定它在 F 处。

18. The Contemporary Art Gallery __



The Contemporary Art Gallery is on a little road that leads off Station Square, not far from the public gardens. The road ends at the gallery - it doesn’t go anywhere else. That’s open every day except Mondays.

答案解析:当听到 Contemporary Art Gallery 时,要反应出,它是第 18 题的题干。首先,听到,它在通往 Station Square 的小路上,可确定 C、D、G 项;接着,听到这条路在 gallery 结束了,不会 go anywhere else,由此 可确定它在 G 处。

19. The Warner Gallery __



The Warner Gallery specialises in 19th-century art. It’s on City Road, near the junction with Crawley Road, on the same side of the road as the public gardens.

答案解析:当听到 The Warner Gallery 时,要反应出,它是第 19 题的题干。首先,听到它在 City Road 上,靠近和 Crawley Road 的路口,可确定 H、I;接着听到,它和 public gardens 在同一边,所以确定它在 I 处。

20. Nucleus __

答案: B


Finally, if you’re interested in purchasing high quality artwork, the place to go is Nucleus. You need to go from Crawley Road up through Station Square and east along Hill Road until you get to a small winding road turning off. Go up there and it’s on your right - if you get to City Road you’ve gone too far.

答案解析:当听到 Nucleus 时,要反应出,它是第 20 题的题干。首先,听到要从 Crawley Road 往上(北)走,穿过 Station Square,接着沿着 Hill Road 往 east,直到 small winding road。在往上 (北)走,在你的 right 边。所以确定它在 B 处。

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