
2022-02-16 14:56:17        来源:中国教育在线




Some people believe that developments in the field of artificial intelligence will have a positive impact on our lives in the near future.Others,by contrast,are worried that we are not prepared for a world in which computers are more intelligent than humans.Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.




关键词:artificial intelligence,lives in the near future,not prepared




直到一个又一个令人震惊的新闻出现在媒体报道中,DeepMind的人工智能机器人AlphaGo通过对百万盘真人对战棋局的研究,以4:1的成绩击败了世界围棋李世石。(大家可以用作举例论证:AlphaGo is an AI developed by Google-owned British company DeepMind,and had already wrapped up a historic victory on Saturday by becoming the first ever computer program to beat the world champion Lee Se-dol.)

孟买人工智能创业公司MoglA通过2000万个社交媒体数据点分析了社交媒体上人们的情绪,的通过了解民意预测出了美国总统大选的结果-特朗普获胜。而这一结果是很多内部人士都预测失败的。(MogIA correctly predicted the past four presidential elections including the Trump one.)

大众慢慢意识到,人工智能的聪明才智及复杂性。意识到原来钢铁侠的贾维斯是可能真实存在的。继续发展下去,人工智能很快就会在各个领域超越人类。AI system becomes more powerful–superior to human performance in many or nearly all domains.


但是极其聪明又不知疲倦的AI has the potential to improve productivity,efficiency and accuracy.会有很多人因其失去工作,普华永道曾发布数据预测到2030年,机器人将占据日本21%以上的工作岗位、英国30%的工作岗位、德国35%的工作岗位和美国38%的工作岗位。到下个世纪,他们将占据人类现有工作的一半以上。尤其是那些jobs involving repetitive or basic problem-solving tasks.


而这样的人工智能其实已经离我们很近了。因曾扬言要毁灭人类而被人熟知的机器人索菲亚,在2017年10月获得了沙特阿拉伯授予的公民身份。而她的名言:人不犯我我不犯人(If you’re nice to me and I will be nice to you),更是令人毛骨悚然。倘若有一天,像电影《终结者》中那样,机器人想要反叛人类,占领世界,人类是否有能力战胜自己亲手缔造出来的全知全能的敌人呢?

太空探索技术的CEO马斯克曾说:“我们需要万分警惕人工智能,他们比核武器更加危险”而霍金(Stephen Hawking)也曾说:the emergence of artificial intelligence could be the"worst event in the history of our civilization."(作文可用)


AI-enabled terrorism:Artificial intelligence will change the way conflicts are fought from autonomous drones,robotic swarms,and remote and nanorobot attacks.In addition to being concerned with a nuclear arms race,we'll need to monitor the global autonomous weapons race.)


People seem to be either excited or worried(很巧妙的改写了题目)about the future impact of artificial intelligence.Personally I can understand the two opposing points of view(可直接搬到自己的文章中使用);I am both fascinated by developments in artificial intelligence and apprehensive(adj.忧虑的;不安的)about its possible negative effects.

(开头段:题目改写+观点给出—可借用的部分:People seem to be either xx or xx about题目事件.)

On the one hand,the increasing intelligence of technology should bring some obvious benefits.Machines are clearly able to do many jobs better than humans can,especially in areas that require high levels of accuracy or calculations using large amounts of data.For example,robots are being developed that can carry out surgical procedures with greater precision than a human doctor,and we already have cars that use sensors and cameras to drive themselves.(这个例子大家可以记住,科技改变生活的题目中都可以广泛使用-科技为人类带来的好处)Such technologies can improve safety by reducing the likelihood of human errors.It is easy to imagine how these developments,and many others,will steadily improve our quality of life.


On the other hand,I share the concerns of people who believe that artificial intelligence may harm us if we are not careful.In the short term,it is likely that we will see a rise in unemployment as workers in various industries are replaced by machines or software programs.For example,self-driving vehicles are expected to cause redundancies(原型:redundancy:名词-裁员,解雇)in driving jobs,such as lorry(货车)drivers,taxi drivers and bus drivers.In the medium term,if intelligent technologies gradually take jobs away from humans,we may find that people become deskilled and lose their sense of purpose in life.A longer term fear is that computers become so intelligent that they begin to make decisions without human oversight(名词:负责,照管,监督)and without regard for our well-being.


In conclusion,while intelligent machines will no doubt improve our lives in many ways,the potential risks of such technologies should not be ignored.

(结尾:总结前文-可借用句型:While A will no doubt do sth.,the potential risks of A should not be ignored.)

这篇文章出自Simon老师,对于Native Speaker又身为前考官的Simon而言,其英语语言驾驭能力肯定是很强的。这篇文章的句型及论证方法都很不错,尤其是主体2段的递进式论证很出彩,大家可以学习借鉴使用哦。




以上就是要和大家分享的“雅思大作文范文分析——人工智能 ”,希望小编能够帮助到大家

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