
2022-05-24 16:44:11        来源:中国教育在线

雅思大作文范文:农业化肥和机械运用的负面影响 具体的内容和中国教育在线平台一起来看看吧




这是一道观点类作文,在审题时候一定要注意这道题的限定词,因为“developed fertilizers and better machinery” 使得食物“produced in greater amount and much cheaply”,有人认为这对“human health and local communities”是有害的,我们提出观点和论证的时候要紧扣这些限定范围。比如有同学一看到产量增加,然后就把“这会减少全人类饥饿”作为论点,那就跑题了。






As the world’s population continues rising, machines and fertilizers are used to maximize the amount of food produced and stabilize the price of food within an affordable range. However, while we are trying hard to produce enough to feed the global population, we still fail to limit the adverse effects of agricultural activities on human health and local area.

The use of fertilizers and other farm chemicals like herbicides and pesticides, is unsustainable and physically and environmentally damaging.  Those farm chemicals can be toxic especially when organisms are exposed to high concentrations.  Even if fertilizers are scientifically applied to crops in a way which will prevent them from accumulating on the food in harmful concentrations, they are difficult for our bodies to process and consume large amounts of food treated in this manner, which would probably result in health impacts.  Worse still, the application of these chemicals will spoil the land, waterways and air.  Once released into the atmosphere,they are absorbed into the soil, mixed into air or digested by tissues of simple organisms, all of which enable them to grow to toxic concentration and remain threat for the whole ecosystem.

For another, the modernization and mechanization of agriculture also impose detrimental impact on the environment.  During the past few years, the weight and size of the machinery had increased significantly, which in some cases exceeded the soil’s tolerance for load.  The operation of machines to irrigate the land would damage the soil structure, making it more vulnerable to erosion and causing greater loss of nutrients and poorer crop yields.  Such damages caused by heavy agricultural machinery are usually more permanent and hard to recover.

In conclusion, although various scientific and technological methods are identified to enable farmers to grow crops more efficiently while maintaining yields,a sustainable and healthy agriculture system has yet been achieved.


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