
2023-01-05 15:12:19        来源:中国教育在线




Some people believe that adults should give children freedom to make mistakes.Others think that adults should prevent children from making mistakes.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.












There are those who opine that young people ought to be free to make mistakes,while others argue that grown-ups ought to help children avoid these.This essay will initially discuss the two ideas,followed by a presentation of my perspective,which is that children should be allowed to make mistakes.

It is justified that children making mistakes is acceptable.This is primarily because they can learn from what they do wrong.For example,they will learn from their errors whilst solving complex maths problems,teaching them to be meticulous,not only in this subject but other areas as well.They can also realise where their shortcomings lie and make every effort to address them.Another point is that they will gain the courage to do what they have a passion for in the future.If young charges are not scolded or punished by their parents when making mistakes,they will not be fearful of embarking on something new even if challenges and risks exist.

However,it is also true that there is necessity for adults to reduce the possibility of children making mistakes.The main reason is that children’s self-confidence can be maintained.If children make mistakes,they may doubt their ability,feeling demotivated and unconfident.In contrast,parents’effort enables children to firmly believe in themselves,ultimately making progress in whatever they do.Moreover,children’s efficiency of accomplishing various tasks can be improved.Without making mistakes,children will not spend time repeating what they intend to accomplish and the amount of time they have saved can be allocated to other activities.

In conclusion,I believe that both sides of the argument are reasonable.On balance,my conviction is that children benefit from making mistakes.After all,they can understand much more than the lessons learned from mistakes and dare to achieve their goals regardless of the difficulty they may encounter.They may well,in my view,achieve something remarkable when they grow up.


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