
2023-02-06 15:44:46        来源:中国教育在线




The shortage of housing in big cities causes severe consequences,and only government can solve this problem.To what extent do you agree or disagree?




题目本身不难,但审题时需要注意观点限定,题目讨论的是“The shortage of housing”,如果有同学讨论房价上涨之类的就偏题了。


Many people today feel that limited housing in urban areas can only be seriously addressed by governmental action.In my opinion,private investiture in this area will always be low so governments bear the burden of responsibility.

Only limited support for housing problems will come from the private sector.Large real estate and construction firms are mainly motivated to generate the greatest profits and will therefore largely cater projects towards a wealthy clientele.This means building large apartments and homes that likely replace smaller homes,exacerbating any existing housing crisis.In New York City,for example,ambitious developers knocked down government housing projects and built luxury apartments and brownstone homes.These efforts push poor residents out of the city and further away from their work and engender a variety of social problems.The only realistic solution for housing shortages in major urban areas is governmental intervention.Governments can either build themselves or accept bids from construction companies.There are inspirational examples of public works projects in cities all around the world.The typical process is that the government will delineate an undeveloped or poorly planned area for new homes and accept bids from private companies.Since these areas are unavailable for unregulated commercial exploitation,the government holds power over the private companies.Once these projects are completed,they can house thousands of residents affordably,which allows occupants to find quality jobs in the city and eventually move out of these housing developments.

In conclusion,the government is the major catalyst in all housing solutions in cities.Governments ought to prioritise these efforts before cities become too gentrified and this hinders upwards social mobility.


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