
2023-02-07 15:37:34        来源:中国教育在线




Some people argue that countries should have a moral obligation to help each other;on the other hand,some people argue that a large amount of aid money does not reach the poor of the world.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




这是一道双边类类题目,讨论的是国际援助意义和进行方式,双边类的题目,需要对每个观点分别表达同意或反对,最终的结论就是我的立场,可以是中立(双方都同意或都反对),也可以是单边支持某一方立场。审题时候需要注意双方的限定对象,前者是“countries”的援助,而不是民间人士或公益组织;后者是围绕着援助形式“aid money”和援助对象“poor of world”进行讨论。下面来看下具体观点~







People have different views about whether countries in the world should have moral responsibilities of international aid.In my view,it is morally correct to have a sense of helping the poor,and we should find ways to use aid money more effectively.

On the one hand,countries are supposed to help other nations in need under ethical considerations.All human beings have dignity deserving respect and are entitled to what is necessary to live in dignity,including a right to the goods necessary to satisfy one’s basic needs.This right to satisfy basic needs takes precedence over the rights of others to accumulate wealth and property.When people are without the resources needed to survive,those with surplus resources are obligated to come to their aid.And also,it is clear that suffering and death from starvation are harms.It is also clear that minor financial sacrifices on the part of people of rich nations can prevent massive amounts of suffering and death from starvation.It can therefore be concluded that rich nations have a moral obligation to aid poor nations.

On the other hand,I believe that foreign aid should be used more wisely.The current aid money to poor areas is often misplaced.Instead of being spent on poor money,the aid money often ended up to authority corruption and military expenses,and thus it is essential to apply foreign aid more appropriately.Firstly,aid should be a lay emphasis on science and technology aiming to improve people’s living standards.International aid from developed countries have helped people in some underdeveloped countries like Africa,Latin America and Asia,and improved their living environment and helped them with the development of agriculture,industry and economy.Secondly,aid should also contribute to the field of education.Granting everyone a chance to approach knowledge can create a well-educated workforce,and ensure the people shake off poverty.

In conclusion,the world’s nations should provide aid to those countries in need,and they also need to consider more effective approaches when offering aid.


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