Discussion on Research托福红Delta听力原文翻译及问题答案

2022-06-25 15:10:51        来源:中国教育在线

Discussion on Research托福红Delta听力原文翻译及问题答案, 今天中国教育在线就来为大家分析这个问题。

一、Discussion on Research 托福听力原文:

W: Dr. Marshall?

M: Hello, Gloria. Is it ... uh ... you wanted to talk about your research?

W: Yes. Is this a good time?

M: Sure, sure. How’s it coming along? You’re studying goose populations, right?

W: That’s right. Well, I was anyway. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I think I want to go in a different direction.

M: Oh...?

W: You see ... it’s like this.  I’ve done a lot of Internet searches, and I’ve, uh, come up with some articles about geese, mostly about problems in urban areas, like city parks. But there was this one story that kind of got me off in a different direction. I found out about this accident that happened in Alaska when some geese got sucked into an airplane.

M: Really? When did that happen?

W: About six years ago. It was a pretty bad accident, too. It was a military jet, and several geese were sucked into two of the engines right after takeoff. The jet crashed, and the whole crew was killed.

M: Birds and planes don’t mix—that’s for sure.

W: For sure. Well, anyway this article got me thinking about birds and plane accidents, so I started ... uh ... researching that, and I found out it’s a pretty serious problem around airports.

M: Hmm. I can see why.

W: It’s a big problem especially if the airport is surrounded by bird habitat, like wheat fields or wetlands. It’s a big problem that I never knew about before.And then I learned about this program that uses biology to solve the problem.

M: Oh? How so?

W: Well, the air force figured out that the right kind of bird can keep the wrong kind of bird away, so they started using peregrine falcons to patrol the runways. This one air force base used to shoot the birds that were always hanging around the runway. Mostly it was geese and ducks, because it’s near a wetland. But now, since they started the falcon program, and since falcons arc predators, there haven’t been any bird- aircraft collisions that required any repairs!

M: That’s amazing! Well, not really, when you consider the peregrine falcon’s reputation as a predator. They can exceed 200 miles per hour in a dive—faster than any other living creature. I imagine just the sight of these birds is enough to discourage any other birds from coming anywhere near the airfield.

W: It’s true. The falcons and their trainers patrol the runways several times a day, during the lulls between takeoffs and landings. And after six months of falcon protection, they found that the cost of the program itself was only seven percent of the amount they’d been spending on bird-airplane damage.

M: So, the benefits of this natural method of bird control are obvious.

W: Right. The falcons get the credit for keeping the geese and the ducks away. It’s an interesting solution to the problem, I mean, adding a predator to change the biology of the runway.

M: Well, I think your research has taken a very meaningful turn. You’re still studying problem geese, but you’ve just found an interesting angle in the way the problem’s being dealt with. Keep going with it.

W: Oh, good. I’m glad you think it’s OK. Thanks, Dr. Marshall. I appreciate your time.

M: All right. Good luck.

二、Discussion on Research 托福听力中文翻译:

W: 马歇尔博士?

M: 你好,格洛丽亚。它是。。。嗯你想谈谈你的研究?

W: 是的。这是个好时机吗?

M: 当然,当然。进展如何?你在研究鹅的数量,对吗?

W: 没错。嗯,反正我是。这就是我想跟你说的。我想我想换个方向。

M: 哦。。。?

W: 你看。。。是这样的。我在互联网上做了很多搜索,我还写了一些关于鹅的文章,主要是关于城市地区的问题,比如城市公园。但有一个故事让我从另一个方向出发。我发现了一起发生在阿拉斯加州的事故,当时一些鹅被吸入飞机。

M: 真的吗?那是什么时候发生的?

W: 大约六年前。这也是一次非常严重的事故。这是一架军用喷气式飞机,起飞后几只鹅被吸入其中两个发动机。飞机坠毁,全体机组人员遇难。

M: 鸟和飞机是不会混在一起的,这是肯定的。

W: 当然可以。不管怎样,这篇文章让我想到了鸟类和飞机事故,所以我开始。。。嗯通过研究,我发现机场周围的问题相当严重。

M: 嗯,我知道为什么了。

W: 这是一个大问题,尤其是如果机场周围有鸟类栖息地,如麦田或湿地。这是一个我以前从未知道的大问题。然后我学习了这个利用生物学来解决问题的程序。

M: 哦?为什么呢

W: 嗯,美国空军发现,正确种类的鸟可以赶走错误种类的鸟,所以他们开始使用游隼在跑道上巡逻。这是一个空军基地,用来射杀那些总是在跑道周围徘徊的鸟。大部分是鹅和鸭,因为它靠近湿地。但是现在,自从他们启动了猎鹰计划,而且猎鹰是捕食者,就没有发生过任何需要修理的鸟-机碰撞!

M: 太棒了!当你考虑到游隼作为捕食者的名声时,其实不是这样。它们的潜水速度可以超过每小时200英里,比任何其他生物都快。我想只要看到这些鸟就足以阻止任何其他鸟类靠近机场。

W: 这是真的。在起飞和降落之间的间歇期,猎鹰和它们的训练员每天在跑道上巡逻几次。经过六个月的猎鹰保护,他们发现该项目本身的成本仅为他们用于鸟类飞机损坏的费用的7%。

M: 因此,这种自然的鸟类控制方法的好处是显而易见的。

W: 对。猎鹰因赶走了鹅和鸭子而受到赞誉。这是一个有趣的问题解决方案,我的意思是,添加一个捕食者来改变跑道的生物学特性。

M: 嗯,我认为你的研究发生了非常有意义的转变。你仍然在研究问题鹅,但你刚刚从处理问题的方式中找到了一个有趣的角度。坚持下去。

W: 哦,很好。我很高兴你觉得还好。谢谢,马歇尔博士。谢谢你抽出时间。

M: 好吧。祝你好运

三、Discussion on Research 托福听力问题:


Why does the student go to see her professor?

A.She is thinking of changing her field of study.

B.She needs advice about a problem with geese.

C.She wants to discuss the topic of her research.

D.She will not be able to complete her research.


Why does the student say this:

A.To ask for advice about a problem that she has with geese

B.To explain why she wants to change the focus of her research

C.To express her opinion about geese in urban areas

D.To tell a story about an accident that she experienced


What does the professor mean when he says this:

A.Results are tragic when airplanes strike birds.

B.Sightings of birds from aircraft are unusual.

C.Airplanes do not frighten away most birds.

D.There is little similarity between birds and jets.


According to the conversation,which statements about peregrine falcons are true?

Click on two answers.

A.They naturally prey on geese and ducks.

B.They are the largest of all predatory birds.

C.They are more intelligent than geese.

D.They can fly faster than any other bird.


According to the conversation,which statements about peregrine falcons are true?

Click on two answers.

A.They naturally prey on geese and ducks.

B.They are the largest of all predatory birds.

C.They are more intelligent than geese.

D.They can fly faster than any other bird.

四、Discussion on Research 托福听力答案:






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