The Impact of Fire on Biodiversity托福红Delta听力原文翻译及问题答案

2022-06-25 15:14:35        来源:中国教育在线

The Impact of Fire on Biodiversity托福红Delta听力原文翻译及问题答案, 今天中国教育在线就来为大家分析这个问题。

一、The Impact of Fire on Biodiversity 托福听力原文:

We all know that change is a fact of life. For North American forests, change often comes in the form of fire. After thousands of years of living with fire, many plant and animal species have come to depend on its periodic presence. Without fire, ecosystems can stagnate and lose their diversity of life.

In the past, before we understood the role that fire plays in the natural life cycle of our forests, our goal was to prevent or contain all forest fires. For almost ninety years, our land management agencies tried to eliminate fires. In many cases, we protected the trees, but at the expense of the forest community. Now we know that fire is a natural agent that rejuvenates a forest. And we know that fire suppression can actually threaten the lives of healthy trees. So, today our policy is to allow natural fires to burn under close observation and to set “prescribed” fires under carefully controlled conditions.

Research shows that forests go through natural fire cycles. Periodic fires are necessary for several reasons. Fire removes nutrients from standing dead trees and returns them to the earth, where they become available to the root systems of new trees. Fire also opens the forest to sunlight. Openings in the tree cover benefit a variety of wildlife by stimulating the growth of lush green plants, which are eaten by several species of animals.

Fire is nature’s way of controlling insect infestations. By contrast, fire suppression preserves dead wood that harbors insect pests, like the larvae of the mountain pine beetle. These beetle larvae feed on the inner bark of some trees, which blocks the flow of nutrients and eventually kills the trees. When dead trees burn during periodic outbreaks of fire, the heat kills off great numbers of beetles and larvae, providing a natural method of pest control.

The exclusion of fire from the ecosystem is creating unhealthy, overcrowded forests that contain more fuel for larger, more severe fires. For example, when a huge fire threatened a grove of giant sequoias in California, observers noted that the flames were fed by dead wood and combustible debris that had accumulated on the forest floor over years of fire suppression.

A large-scale, intense forest fire causes more significant impacts to water, soil, and air resources than a managed prescribed fire. Prescribed fire, or controlled fire, has several purposes. Chiefly, it reduces the hazard of more serious wildfires by periodically burning accumulated weeds, brush, and other plants. If done carefully, prescribed burning also releases nutrients back into the soil and controls insect pests.

In Florida, prescribed burns are carried out every three to five years in one of the national forests. These controlled burns keep the forest open and reduce the growth of problem species.

We recognize that fire is a natural and revitalizing process that enhances the diversity of the forest. However, we also know that fire has consequences. There may be smoky, hazy skies and patches of blackened forest for a long time after a fire. There’s also the risk of a fire becoming too large and threatening inhabited areas. But we have to accept these realities if our forests are to retain their ecological balance.

二、The Impact of Fire on Biodiversity 托福听力中文翻译:









三、The Impact of Fire on Biodiversity 托福听力问题:


What is the main idea of the talk?

A.Forest management agencies have eliminated forest fire.

B.Fire contributes to the beauty and mystery of the forest.

C.Fire revitalizes the forest and promotes a diversity of life.

D.Forest fire limits the amount of habitat taken by humans.


What does the instructor mean by this statement:

A.Fire prevention has actually damaged the forest ecosystem.

B.Every tree in the forest passes through its own life cycle.

C.Protecting one species will benefit every other species.

D.Foresters will never fully understand the laws of nature.


According to the instructor,why is periodic fire necessary to forest ecosystems?

Click on two answers.

A.Fire releases nutrients into the soil.

B.Fire creates employment for firefighters.

C.Fire controls insect pests that harm trees.

D.Fire reduces water and air pollution.


According to the instructor,how does the elimination of fire endanger the forest?

A.Insect populations die without the heat provided by fire.

B.Dead wood and litter accumulate as fuel for large fires.

C.Too many people move into the forest,destroying wildlife habitat.

D.Animal populations grow too fast for the forest to support them.


What is prescribed fire?

A.Fire that is caused by lightning

B.Fire that humans carefully manage

C.Fire that inspires artists and writers

D.Fire in areas where people live


Why does the instructor say this:

A.To explain why good firefighters are needed

B.To tell about his own observation of a large fire

C.To find out if students have ever seen a fire

D.To give examples of the negative effects of fire

四、The Impact of Fire on Biodiversity 托福听力答案:







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